700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Plenty of Food and Hope for a Future Harvest

Ken Hulme - 700 Club International Managing Director

Yucatán Peninsula Mexico (on Gulf of Mexico)

Mirna lives with her family on a small farm on the Yukatan Peninsula. Last year, near hurricane winds and rain from the Gulf of Mexico caused their land and home to flood.  

Mirna said, “My kids could not stop crying. They said, ‘What is going to happen to us? Are we going to die?’ I didn’t know what to do. So I asked God for help.”

The flood waters also destroyed most of the crops that they were growing. They’d planned to use those for food and income.  

“The rain washed away our crops. All the corn we had planted was gone. The storm destroyed everything,” she added. 

Mirna said they had no money to buy new seeds—and that the family was running out of food. 

“After a week of eating only tortillas, I knew my kids needed something else to for food,” she told us.  

When Operation Blessing learned about the family we delivered a truckload filled with sacks of food and seeds.

Thanks to The 700 Club and Operation Blessing donors, we gave several hundred pounds of food staples and seeds for planting to Mirna and 26 other families in her community.  

“Now that we have seeds for our fields, God willing, we’ll harvest a lot of food,” said Mirna with a smile.

“Thanks to everyone that donated! This has been a blessing. And it’s been possible because of you!”

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