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The 700 Club

Giving First Responders Lifesaving Help

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Ken Hulme - 700 Club International Managing Director

Dozens of doctors and nurses in Indonesia have already died after treating patients with Covid-19 –many due to a lack of proper protective gear.  To prevent more deaths, the president there declared that only ambulances with trained nurses were permitted to drop COVID 19 patients at hospitals.  

That order put extra pressure on an Ambulance Company in Jakarta where Fari (far-ee), who is a Christian, is a nurse in the unit.  

CBN sat down with him practicing good social distancing and he told us about life as a first responder.  

“One thing I think about all the time is whether I will be safe,” he said.  “I get anxious every time we deploy to pick up a patient.  I think, what if I make a mistake getting dressed, or what if my medical equipment is not good enough to protect me?” 

As Covid-19 cases increase, the need for protective gear grows with it.  

This is Operation Blessing’s Dr. Sovan from Indonesia. 

“In that unit, they can transport up to 10 to 15 patients every day. Each group can have three or four nurses.  All of their protective gear is for one time use only. It is an absolute must. So they could use 50 to 70 protective gear packages every day! Just imagine how dangerous and deadly it would be if they used it repeatedly.”

One day Doctor Bara, who heads the Ambulance Unit, asked Operation Blessing for help. So delivered thousands of protective masks, goggles, hazmat suits and gloves to the unit and to other first responders in Jakarta.  We also gave the Ambulance Unit a truckload of bunk beds and mattresses with protective covers so that emergency responders have a place to sleep at the unit.  Staff members had been sleeping on the floor. 

As long as this pandemic continues, Operation Blessing is committed to support   all of the doctors and paramedics on the front lines.  It’s the least we can do to help save lives.  

“Thank you so much for helping us to take care of every patient,” said Fari, “and for helping to protect us from harm. I pray God will bless you for what you are doing!” 

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CBN partners help proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel to 159 countries and territories in 75 languages with 57 years of integrity. Explore the life-changing work of CBN.

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