Reaching Out to the Untouchable When Kasim found out he had leprosy, he turned to the only people he thought would help--his family. But instead, they too abandoned him.
Kasim was cast out of his village in southern India. He had no place to go.
"Because I am a leper, no one was giving me work. So, I started to beg and ate whatever I could find," says Kasim.
Kasim’s disease was spreading rapidly. He eventually found the Navjeevan Leprosy Center. He was given medical treatments and a place to live. But the center had a major problem--their water came from an open well, and it was drying up. If the clinic didn’t find water soon, they would be forced to shut down.
"We have dug wells around that area for nearly 400 feet and haven’t reached any water. So, for these people to get water, it is very difficult ... for them to go to any other well and get water," says Dr. Sybil, who works at the leprosy center.
"I can’t go and get water easily. They would curse at me. They would yell things like, 'Go away! Don’t come here!' Sometimes, they would also beat us," Kasim says.
The clinic’s staff prayed for a way to get fresh water. Then they heard about CBN India’s Living Waters program.
"I approached them by writing an application for bore wells," says Dr. Sybil.
Operation Blessing’s Living Waters team was sent as soon as they received the request. The drilling began, and then it happened ... water gushed out. The leprosy center finally had a reliable source for drinking and cooking. The water also allowed patients like Kasim to get the medical treatments they needed to stop their disease from spreading.
"Now I am able to get my treatments and fresh water. This well water is really clean. It also tastes good, and it’s easy to get," says Kasim.
"Thank you, CBN, for helping us, and I ask God to bless you in all your activities. May more people be reached through you, and may God bless you for what you are doing," adds Dr. Sybil.
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