Getting New Job Skills and a Whole Lot More

Cheryl Wilcox - 700 Club Producer

CBN.com - “Did it really get to this point?”

Becky Oglesby had a lot of painful questions.

“When you’re standing in line with your daughter at the state prison of Texas,” she says, “and you’re in a line and it’s 20 degrees outside, you’re thinking, “Is this really my life?’”

It was. Her husband Jimmy’s drug use landed him in a Texas state prison.

“And it was devastating,” Becky says.

Jimmy had always been a hard worker and a solid provider until his drug addiction destroyed him and his car-crushing business. Still, Jimmy’s attorney admired Becky’s commitment to her husband.

“This is a love story. I mean, she loved Jimmy when nobody else would love him or even could love him in the situation he had put himself in,” says Attorney L. Northcutt. “Becky, she’s a woman of prayer. She would pray constantly and tell me how she’s praying for me. She was praying for Jimmy.”

Becky wondered when bills mounted and creditors called. Her job didn’t even cover their household expenses, let alone any of Jimmy’s business debt. The only piece of equipment they owned, the crusher, was idle, about ready to be repossessed.

“We owed everybody. I had no idea how to run a business,” Becky recalls. “And I’m like, ‘Lord, I don’t know’. And He said, ‘You don’t, but I do. And we will move forward.’ And I just – I accepted that.

“I had people depending on me,” she says. “I had a daughter to raise. I had four step-children I was paying child support on.”

She had never run any kind of business, but started buying and crushing junk cars for scrap metal.

“I ran this business on faith. And I prayed about every decision because I lived from day to day,” she says. “We would go out there, quote them a price, and I would call my crew, have them meet us from whatever town they were at and they would crush the cars.

“I would get the trucks dispatched. They would put the load, the crushed cars onto the big trucks and they’re sent to a mill to be recycled.”

Right away, she hired a biblically based financial coach, Charles McCullough, and began tithing and giving to The 700 Club.

“I believe in The 700 Club. I’ve watched it ever since I was five years old with my mother. And when I first started giving, I would give $20 a month,” Becky says.

Becky built solid business relationships and paid off creditors. Within a year, the business was in the black. In two years, she paid down over $100,000 in debt.
“Her successes were coming from God, and so she knew that she was going to give back,” her financial coach says.

“I kept going up in levels,” Becky says. “I called The 700 Club often for prayer. It was just nice to hear, ‘You can do this! Let’s pray about it. God’s on your side. God’s going to show you favor.’ And he did.”

Becky and Jimmy wrote each other constantly.

“And it was just amazing how you could just see them go across the map, moving from one location to another, and having the lord’s favor,” says Jimmy.

Jimmy says experiencing Becky’s forgiveness and God’s mercy humbled him.
“I was seeing an obvious dedication there that I didn’t deserve. I’d begin to see and understand the peace in prison that I had never known or understood in the past,” Jimmy explains.

“When he came home, it was like a different person came home,” Becky recalls. “It was like I got a brand new husband, a brand new father to all our kids. He was a changed man, and he was the picture of repentance. And I firmly believed that.”

“He’s a new man now from the first time I met him,” Attorney Landon says.

“Obviously, we’re serving a lot bigger, a lot more miraculous God than I’ve ever experienced of anything,” Jimmy explains.

“God has literally pulled us out of the pits of hell and despair into a life of abundance and overflow,” Becky says.

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for Becky. She made it possible for God's love to flow through her to others, and she is reaping a blessing for herself as well. Join Becky in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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