On the Same Financial Page as Your Spouse?

Aaron M. Little - Sr. Manager, 700 Club Digital Media

Mike and Lynette Nemback have been married for 41 years, but not without some challenges.

 “Mike and I met in school,” Lynette says. “We dated in high school and got married a couple years afterwards.”

“Going into a marriage, I don’t think you really realize what all it entails as far as money, supporting your wife, and trying to do the right things,” Mike says.

For Lynette, the “right thing” meant raising her family with biblical principles, like tithing.  But Mike, who worked as a California highway patrolman and knew the family lived paycheck-to- paycheck, saw it differently.

“There’s no doubt that money was always a friction in our marriage,” he says. “I mean it seemed like we never had enough.”

Lynette took a job as a manicurist and faithfully tithed on her income.  As a regular viewer of The 700 Club, she often heard Pat Robertson’s teachings on tithing.

“I really appreciated what he had to say,” she says. “If you just learn to give with your whole heart, it will come back to you. I wanted our family to come around to that point to where giving was something that we just did.”

During her prayer time Lynette says the Lord told her to combine her income with the family budget.

“So the next week, I brought all of my income, checks, cash and everything, and gave it to Mike,” she says. “As I handed it to him I said, ‘Can I just ask you one thing?  Could you tithe out of my income?’”

“When she made that statement to me,” Mike says, “that if I would tithe out of her money, it just impressed on me that, well, let’s just tithe on all our money.”

Mike’s change of heart took Lynette by surprise.

“I believe it’s just God working in a man’s heart,” she says. “Just individually, quietly, softly working in a man’s heart to soften his heart.”

It wasn’t long after Mike agreed to tithe that the Nembacks began experiencing God’s blessings.

“Things started to happen,” Mike says. “At the end of the month, instead of having $100 in savings, we might have $500 in savings.  We were paying the same bills, doing the same stuff, but there’s extra money.”

Today Mike and Lynette are CBN partners, and they no longer live paycheck-to-paycheck.  Tithing brought financial stability, which in turn helped heal a strained marriage.

“Because we were giving together and wanting to bless other people, our marriage was being blessed,” Lynette says.

“For the first time in a long time, we’re on the same page, especially in our giving,” Mike says. “It’s not to say you don’t have your ups and downs, but anyone can do it.”

Mike and Lynette saw the rewards of applying the Law of Reciprocity -- "Give and it shall be given to you" -- by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give to the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people, feed and clothe needy children, keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!

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