Pray for America - Day 20

For in Him we live and move and have our being. – Acts 17:28
DAY 20: "Abiding in Him"
If you have driven on America’s highways recently, you’ve probably noticed that lots of people are in a hurry. What about our prayers—have we become impatient with God because we don’t get our prayers answered quickly enough?
In John 15:7, we read that if we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we have the assurance that our prayers will be answered. To “abide” means to remain or to stay, and in Him can be both a position and a process. We are “in Christ” the moment we believe and confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Upon our confession, we are positioned eternally in Him. Abiding in Him is also a process in which we live out our devotion to God through our worship and our prayers, the study of His Word, and in serving the needs of others, to name a few. An outcome of abiding in Him is the spiritual fruit we produce. One such fruit is patience, clearly evidenced by the peace we have while waiting for God’s answers to our prayers to be in His time and no longer expecting them to be in ours.
Abiding in Him leads the way to answered prayer. Pray for revival in America starting within the hearts of God’s people as we are drawn to a deeper revelation of the abundance of living and being in Him.