Pray for America - Day 32

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
– Psalm 32:8
DAY 32: "Listening to Advice"
Parents with both keen observation and the wisdom of experience will often advise their maturing teens when something the teen is doing is not in their best interest. Parents will offer a better solution and then wait to see if their advice is taken.
In Exodus 18, we find Moses spending another day listening to and solving problems. The Israelites patiently waited in line, sometimes all day, to speak to Moses and receive his advice based on God’s laws and statutes. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, after observing Moses in this role, told him that both he and the people would surely get worn out. The task was too draining for Moses to handle alone, so Jethro offered him another plan. He suggested that Moses delegate his responsibilities. After listening to Jethro’s advice, Moses sought the Lord’s confirmation and then acted upon the advice. He appointed men of godly character to be overseers of various groups of people, to listen to their problems and to provide God-directed solutions. Moses remained available for counsel in difficult situations, but by delegating his responsibilities he could focus on his calling as God’s spokesperson, inspiring those under his leadership to follow God.
Pray that America’s leaders will seek God, listen to godly counsel, and then make the best decision for those they lead. Whether in government, businesses, schools or the home, pray that we hear God’s advice and wholeheartedly follow.