Putting a Shine on Life with Christ

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Author, Ignite Your Life (Charisma House, 2023)

President, Meguiar’s Car Wax; President & Founder Ignite Your Life podcast on 900 Christian radio stations

Former host of Car Crazy TV show that aired for 18 years on Discovery Channel; served on Assemblies of God World Missions Board

Honored with NRB Billy Graham Award for Excellence in Christian Communications & Moody Theological Seminary’s 1886 Legacy Award

Married to Karen for over 59 years; adult children; grandchildren


In 1901, Frank Meguiar Jr. started the family business of handmaking bottles of polish in his garage. At first, his polish was used on furniture but when people started using it on their horseless carriages, the car wax business was born. By 1964, Meguiar’s Car Wax grossed $600,000 annually and the family was happy. But when Barry wanted to expand their products into the retail market they weren’t interested. 

Barry explains, “My dad and his brothers were living the life, working half days, and had no interest in growing the business.” But Barry wasn’t giving up. He asked God to help him, and those prayers were answered. On a particular sales call, he met a guy who was a marketing executive and offered to help Barry promote Meguiar’s for free. As word got out, the business took off. Today, Meguiar’s is a best-selling brand known for not only car wax, but a list of car care products. 


Barry’s joy can lead people to believe that he’s had an easy life, but he’s endured a lot of hardship along the way. In 1999, when Barry’s father passed away, his uncle and sons opposed him at every turn. As previously mentioned, because they didn’t want to expand the business, they sold their shares to a joint venture capitalist. “After five years, my joint venture partner seized control of my board and planned to throw me out of my company,” Barry explains.

At 65, he was facing the strong possibility of losing everything he worked decades to achieve. That night he prayed, “God, I ask you for nothing. I’m good because of two things: You know I live for Your purpose, and I know You keep Your Word.” Then, Barry went to bed and slept like a baby. The next morning, less than 10 minutes into the board meeting, God destroyed the plans against Barry and he didn’t lose the business. It kept growing. 

Then, in 2019, Barry lost his daughter Nicole who was only 49 years old. He explains, “I shed half the tears of my life coming to grips with the harsh reality of her loss. But I never questioned God or lost my joy.” 

In 2010, Barry got very sick during a filming of his show Car Crazy outside of the States. He was admitted to a hospital, where he spent the next 17 days in critical condition and was diagnosed with a rare strain of viral pneumonia. He was put in an induced coma battling life-threatening conditions. As Barry's staff prepared his obituary, he made a dramatic recovery within 24 hours of intensive care and the illness subsided just as quickly as it came on. 


The suffering he endured only solidified what matters in this life: Serving God and sharing the Gospel with others. Barry says if each believer shares Jesus with their friends and neighbors we can ignite revival in America. That’s the message of his book, "Ignite Your Life." The scripture found throughout is Romans 8:28, where God says everything works together for those who love Him and live according to His purpose.

For those intimidated about sharing their faith with others, Barry says, “God makes the appointments, and He will give you the words to say.” He calls it following the nudge from God and living in the F.O.G. (the favor of God). In the decades that Barry has shared the Gospel, he has never had a person react negatively when he tells them that God loves them and asks how he can pray for them. He explains, “This is what the Great Commission is all about. All of us are surrounded by hurting people who have no idea that God loves them, wants to protect them, and wants them to spend eternity with Him.”

Today, Barry shares the Gospel message on his podcast, Ignite Your Life which is broadcast on over 900 Christian radio stations. It can also be found on www.IgniteAmerica.com. His book also entitled, "Ignite Your Life," is available wherever books are sold and can be purchased at www.IgniteAmerica.com. 


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