God, Are You Deaf?
Admit it. You’ve wondered if God was really listening to you. If you haven’t, you’re either better than I am at being patient or you’re kidding yourself.
Doubt visits me through fleeting thoughts. But, they arrive just the same. I know God isn’t hard of hearing. He doesn’t ignore me. Yet, I have to confess that my faith has been shaken a few times as I blindly wait for His response to my prayers.
We’ve all got those big requests that we continually bring before God. My desperation has even pushed me to beg and cry buckets of tears. Clinching my knuckles and gritting my teeth, I plead for restoration in my father’s body after his stroke left him paralyzed on his left side. Vowing to never let go, I grab hold of God’s promise in Isaiah that He would answer me.
“Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.” (Isaiah 59:1, NLT)
In my darkest uncertainty, I can rely on Him. My prayers have become an intense plea.
That’s in your Bible, God! They are not my words. They’re yours. You’re no liar. You are faithful. Keep your promise. Heal my father. All his body needs is a single word from you and it’s done. He’ll walk again.
When my faith weakens, I will myself to hold onto a word spoken about my father. God said Dad would be healed – slowly, over time. Now, I just have to wait.
With faith building in my heart, I see a future when my father is dancing again in the aisles at church. The day when he’s able to walk around without relying on a cane to hold him up will be a miraculous one. I expect it to happen.
In spite of his current limitations, I know his future has no boundaries. God’s power is limitless. The Bible is full of true accounts that prove His strength when the needy call upon Jesus’ name. It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you have, or where you go to church. God responds to the faithful.
Take Acts 3 for instance. Peter and John met a crippled beggar who asked for help. His request was for money; instead, he gained the ability to walk again. When his fellow villagers, who knew the beggar’s condition, saw him dancing and praising God, they were completely surprised.
Peter told them:
“Faith in Jesus' name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet — yes, faith and nothing but faith put this man healed and whole right before your eyes.” (Acts 3:16, MSG)
Put your faith in the power of Jesus’s name. In His timing, all of our prayers will be answered.
If what you want to cry out for is physical healing, be full of faith and patient as you meditate on 1 Peter 2:24 (NIV).
“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
Have faith. God hears you loud and clear.