Recognizing the Real Enemy
Here at CBN, we occasionally encounter roadblocks in our efforts to share the Gospel with lost souls throughout the world. Perhaps you've experienced similar frustration while witnessing to unsaved people.
But when we hit those obstacles, we must look beyond the physical circumstances to recognize the real enemy!
"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 6:12, The Book).
Satan is hard at work trying to thwart the Word of God from going forth. He doesn't want people trapped in spiritual bondage to be saved, healed and delivered!
God will have the ultimate victory in these situations -- but He calls upon us to participate in the battle by waging spiritual warfare! As we intercede in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, our prayers can help break down demonic barriers and release the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.
One country which desperately needs a spiritual breakthrough is Thailand. For centuries, the Thai people have worshiped a demonic being called "the lord of Siam." As a result, the Gospel has had very little impact there -- so far.
God has shown me that gaining a spiritual victory over this demon prince is the key to unlocking not only Thailand but all of Southeast Asia for the Gospel!
Will you join me to intercede for a glorious triumph in the heavenly realms? As we pray together in faith, we will see millions of people saved in Thailand, Indonesia, India, China -- throughout all Asia and the world!