700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The Simple Act That Led to a Profitable Income

Michelle Wilson - 700 Club Producer

Randall and Chenel married when he was 18, and she was 17 years old and pregnant. At the time, both were optimistic about their future.

Chenel recalls, “I just felt like, ‘Wow, this is my chance.  I'm grown up now.  I can start a new life.’  But things quickly uh went the other direction.”

Randall joined the Airforce to provide for their family. But soon, they started having communication problems.

Randall shares, “When Chenel wanted to discuss a matter, you know, if it angered me, I just wanted to be left alone.”

Chenel remembers, “I believe that both of us came in with woundedness. Both of us have father wounds.  And being rejected. And so we brought this baggage into our marriage.

The couple grew distant. At times, there was physical abuse. Then in 1993, they filed for divorce. Chenel became a single mom trying to make a living as a hairstylist in someone else’s salon. But between that and some other odd jobs, she struggled to pay the bills.

Chenel shares, “I would go in this salon and sometimes sit six or seven hours and do no one's hair. Having my lights get cut off, I felt horrible.  I felt like I had failed, and that I had failed in even the career that I so pursued all those years.”

During this time, she had a co-worker who was a Christian. One day, Chenel asked to go to church with her.

Chenel says, “I was sick of the life that I had.  And she was like, ‘Sure.’ It was almost like she was waiting on me to ask her.”

A month later, Chenel surrendered her life to Christ. She began getting involved in bible studies, and she also started tithing.

Chenel shares, “By this point in time I may have been doing a couple of clients, not even a day. So, if I would have made $25 that day, I was giving God 10% of that $25.”

Soon afterward, Chenel noticed she was getting more clients.

Chenel, “My business began to grow and then all of a sudden it almost seemed like rapidly my business went from not doing anyone's hair, to me turning clients away at times.”

Chenel kept in contact with her ex-husband Randall. One day, he noticed the change in her business.

Randall remembers, “Just seeing Him grow her business that quick just from that act of obedience was amazing to me. She just went up to the shop every day and so the only thing that she had changed was she had started tithing.”

Randall gave his life to Christ as well, and soon afterward, he and Chenel re-married. Randall started tithing too.

Randall shares, "Baby, you want to do this or what? I was like, ‘Okay, baby, when the check come in, just take it off the top.’ And I mean, God has been faithful.”

Soon the couple saw even more blessings in their lives. Randall got a new job. With that came a 10% salary increase. They also were able to buy a new home.

Randall says, “I never had a job where they offered me more than what I was already making and so, you know, I just give all the glory to Him.”

Chenel recalls, “I said, ‘Thank you, Lord,’ Probably on a daily because it's amazing to me that He has even allowed us to obtain the things that we've obtained.”

Chenel is no longer styling hair. Instead she can be a stay at home mom. She and Randall are thriving in every area of their lives. They encourage others to give in faith so they can be blessed too.

Randall shares, “God says ‘Test me in this and see don't I open up the floodgates of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you don't have room enough to receive.’ I know for certain that He will move on your behalf just by that simple step of obedience.”

Chenel says, “It's an honor to be obedient to Christ in my giving.  I love it. And it's not just about the material things, but it's just an honor to give and to obey and to serve Christ even in my giving.”

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