Whose Report Will You Believe?
The Israelites traveled from Egypt to the edge of the Promised Land in only 11 days -- but didn't enter until 40 years later! Why?
Moses sent Joshua and others to spy out the country God promised to them. "I returned and gave from my heart a good report," Joshua said, "but my brothers who went with me frightened the people and discouraged them from entering the Promised Land" (Joshua 14:8a).
Just days after being gloriously delivered from Pharaoh's mighty army, the Israelites ignored Joshua's positive description and God's promise of victory. Instead, they were swayed by negative reports. There are giants! We look like grasshoppers!
Then -- because of their fear and disobedience -- they wandered in the wilderness 40 years.
Sadly, some Christians let negativity rob them of God's best. They say, "I can't go to college; nobody in my family ever has!" Or, "I can't go into business; I don't have the money!" Or, "I can't be healed; I'm not good enough!" They give up hope and quit before receiving what God promised.
In 1960, people said I couldn't start a Christian television ministry. They told me, "NBC and CBS are giants; you can't enter that market!"
But I knew something they didn't. God is bigger than the giants!
To obtain God's promises we must obey His Word: "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9b).
May God bless you as you stand in faith today ... and together, let's believe all His wonderful promises for CBN, Operation Blessing, and Regent University!