Is Huckabee About to Receive the Endorsement of James Dobson?


It looks like it's true. Mike Huckabee may indeed get the endorsement of Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson.

Read part of the news article below:

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson officially endorsed the Southern Baptist minister Mike Huckabee in his GOP presidential bid Thursday night.

The endorsement doesn't appear to be too late, either, especially with Mitt Romney dropping out of the picture earlier Thursday.

"The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Governor Huckabee," Dobson declared. "His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others."

Dobson wants to give Huckabee all the help he can get, especially with McCain racking in the delgates on Super Tuesday.

"Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Senator McCain," Dobson added. "Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for president of the United States."

Read more here.

If this happens, the question might simply be is it too late? Huckabee will take this powerful endorsement any day of the week but it was really needed before South Carolina. That could have been a difference maker. Now, with McCain so far out ahead you have to wonder if it's too little too late.

However, one thing we know about this Republlican race is to expect the unexpected. So who knows? Dobson is a powerful figure with clout and loyal listeners. Maybe Virginia becomes more doable. But Huckabee also needs major endorsements from national security and fiscal conservatives to really get beyond his social conservative bread and butter.


RELATED STORY: Dobson Gives Huckabee Boost He Needs

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