Obama Campaign Claims They Are Winning the Faith Vote


The Brody File has received a document from Barack Obama’s religious outreach team showing statistics that they say prove Obama is a hit with religious voters.

The document rattles off exit poll numbers state by state suggesting that he has a “broad appeal whether voters attend church weekly or occasionally” and he, “appeals to people across faith and belief lines: Christian and Jewish; Protestant and Catholic.”

I’m posting some of the numbers below. The HRC in parenthesis is the percentage of the vote for Hillary.

New Hampshire

37 % of those who attend church weekly voted for Obama (32% HRC)

South Carolina
64% of those who attend church more than weekly voted for Obama (23% HRC)
61% of those who attend church more than weekly voted for Obama (36% HRC)
69% of those who attend church more than weekly voted for Obama (29% HRC)
71% of those who attend church monthly voted for Obama (29% HRC)


59% of those who attend church weekly voted for Obama (40% HRC)

New Jersey

56% of those who attend church more than weekly voted for Obama (34% HRC)

There’s much more data from more states but you get the idea. So what’s the point? Here’s the point. John McCain needs Evangelicals to show up and vote for him in November but don’t think for a minute that Barack Obama is going to concede the “Church vote”. Obama may be more liberal than John McCain but he enjoys talking about his faith in Jesus Christ. That is a big deal to some and this is a storyline that will be a big deal as time goes on. Click here to get in the mood for this story.

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