Tie Goes to the 'FrontRunner'


You remember those days when you were a kid and playing baseball or kickball and everyone would yell, "Tie goes to the runner." Well, when you have a tie in politics, then it means, "Tie goes to the frontrunner."

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton squared off in Cleveland and both made their points but at this late stage, Hillary needs a knockout blow. She had him on the ropes a few times, but he scored too.

The problem for Hillary is the two places Obama is most vulnerable (liberal record, national security) are the two places she can't really go. Who cares if he's more liberal in a Democratic primary right? That will be John McCain territory. As for national security, she can't do much there either or else potentially ruin Obama's chances of winning the presidency in the fall. John McCain will have to do the dirty work on that one too.

Let's remember here. Clinton has a shot at winning Texas and Ohio. It's not exactly over. The question will be what does she do if she wins Ohio but loses Texas? Is it over then? If it is, then cue up the music. Click here.


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