Hillary's New Job?


If Hillary Clinton loses the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, I've found her a backup gig. She could work for the Republican National Committee press shop. OK, I admit the pay isn't as good but after what she and her campaign have been throwing out against Obama the last few days, it would be a perfect fit.

But, c'mon folks think about it. Her 3 a.m. wakeup call ad could have been written by the RNC. All this "weak on national security" rhetoric now is stuff we will hear with even more veracity in the fall from the Republican Party against Obama if he makes it. Hillary Clinton's campaign has paved the way.

I'm not quite sure she had much of a choice. Sure, she could have chosen to play "nice Democrat" and not go rough and tumble on national security but my sense is she really believes Obama is probably not as ready for that 3 a.m. call as she is. It's a road that she pretty much had to go down. I mean, let's face it. He is vulnerable on the national security experience issue. Obama though has done a masterful job of turning that argument on its head by saying better judgment trumps better experience.

The problem for Obama is that if he is the nominee, come the fall, the RNC and John McCain are going to hammer home this "3 a.m. wakeup call" theme every single day. Every single hour. Even at 3 a.m.

Let me show you what would happen if The Brody File got that call at 3 a.m. Click here.


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