Democrats Ready to Go after McCain


The Democratic National Committee is ready. They've been ready.

John McCain is the target. Here's the statement just released by DNC Chairman Howard Dean:

"John McCain is out of touch with the issues facing Americans each day. Instead of offering solutions to the high cost of health care, help for the middle class or ideas to create jobs, McCain offers 100 years in Iraq and more of the same Bush budgets that have heaped debt onto our children and damaged our economy. Instead of ending the influence of lobbyists in Washington, he's hired them to run his campaign. The closer voters look at the real McCain record, the more they will realize he cannot be trusted to deliver the change America wants."

Watch the Democrats go after McCain on the character issue.

They will do everything they can to show that the straight talk express is a bunch of…fill in the blank.

They've got stuff on him regarding ethics, lobbyists, etc. it's coming. Believe me. I've increased my Megabyte storage in my inbox.

And by the way, if the DNC is successful in derailing McCain's straight talk express, here's what it will look like after the general Election.


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