March 5 Headlines


We don't even know the results of the big Ohio and Texas primaries but here's my take on the headline depending on the outcome. See below.

If Obama wins Texas and Ohio, the headline will be as follows:

"Obama Wins Big: Clinton Down for the Count"

If Clinton wins Texas and Ohio, the headline will be as follows:

"Kitchen Sink Strategy Works: Let the Political Bloodbath Begin"

If Obama and Clinton split Texas and Ohio, the headline will be as follows:

"Mixed Results Leave Clinton Searching for Answers"

Bottom line is this: if Clinton wins BOTH Texas and Ohio, we're going to have a nasty fight in the Democratic nomination process for the next seven weeks leading up to Pennsylvania. The Obama camp will argue the delegate math is improbable for her. The Clinton camp will say momentum has shifted and they'll continue to load up the kitchen sink convinced that Obama has a tough time taking punch after punch.


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