Obama Campaign Looks to Put this Away Tonight


The Obama campaign has taken a lot of hits the last week but if they push through and do well tonight, (whatever that means) it's pretty much over. Bill Burton, the campaign's national spokesman just sent me this:

Three weeks ago, when they led polls in Texas and Ohio by twenty points, the Clinton campaign set their own test for today's primaries. They confidently predicted that they would win by landslide margins and wipe out the substantial edge Barack Obama has built in pledged delegates. But what we've seen is that voters in Ohio, Texas, Vermont and Rhode Island share the same urgent desire for change we have seen throughout the country. That's why we're confident that Barack Obama will maintain his delegate lead, leaving the Clinton campaign to explain why they failed their own test and exactly how they plan to win a nomination that, after tonight, will be virtually out-of-reach.

It's a legitimate question. What is Hillary Clinton's road map to actually win the nomination? Her best bet is to win three of four tonight and claim the momentum has shifted. The delegate count might not change much but the longer she stays in, the longer the Clinton campaign will continue to pummel Obama on the "not ready for prime time" theme. The Obama campaign has been up to the task so far. Can they continue to survive the onslaught if it comes to that?


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