Jeremiah Wright Resigns from Obama's Campaign


This word just coming in late on a Friday night. Obama's good friend and controversial pastor Jeremiah Wright is no longer with the Obama campaign. Spokesman Tommy Veitor says he will no longer serve on the African American Religious Leadership Committee.

I have a feeling this move is NOT the end of the story. The issue all along has not been so much that Wright was with the campaign. This is about whether people feel comfortable with Obama now that they know he and his family went to a Church where this kind of offensive language was taking place. It goes right to the judgement issue. Was it wise for Obama to stay at the Church for all those years if he disagreed with many of the things his own pastor said? And if he doesn't like language that tears others down, why put up with it for so long? These are legitimate questions.

The problem for the Obama campaign is the growing narrative that many people may start to believe. One poll shows that 13 percent of people think he's Muslim. That's up from 8 percent. Obama says that is not true and that in fact he believes in Jesus. Then there's this pastor some people have a problem with his name and Michelle Obama made that comment about how she was proud to be an American for the first time in her adult life. It's crucial that Obama not lose control of how he's defined. He's worked so hard and inspired many. It'll be interesting to watch how this plays out.


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