Michael Moore Trashes Hillary


I guess Michael Moore won’t be invited to the Hillary Clinton presidential inaugural ball. (If it EVER happens) The liberal (I’m sorry...Progressive) actor has made his choice; he’s for Obama. But the way he ripped Hillary on his Web site today is striking. Read below:

“Over the past two months, the actions and words of Hillary Clinton have gone from being merely disappointing to downright disgusting. I guess the debate last week was the final straw. I've watched Senator Clinton and her husband play this game of appealing to the worst side of white people, but last Wednesday, when she hurled the name "Farrakhan" out of nowhere, well that's when the silly season came to an early end for me. She said the "F" word to scare white people, pure and simple. Of course, Obama has no connection to Farrakhan. But, according to Senator Clinton, Obama's pastor does -- AND the "church bulletin" once included a Los Angeles Times op-ed from some guy with Hamas! No, not the church bulletin!

This sleazy attempt to smear Obama was brilliantly explained the following night by Stephen Colbert. He pointed out that if Obama is supported by Ted Kennedy, who is Catholic, and the Catholic Church is led by a Pope who was in the Hitler Youth, that can mean only one thing: OBAMA LOVES HITLER!

Yes, Senator Clinton, that's how you sounded. Like you were nuts. Like you were a bigot stoking the fires of stupidity. How sad that I would ever have to write those words about you. You have devoted your life to good causes and good deeds. And now to throw it all away for an office you can't win unless you smear the black man so much that the superdelegates cry "Uncle (Tom)" and give it all to you.

The link is here.

Hey, look at it this way. Moveon.org has endorsed Obama. Now Michael Moore. Hillary can now argue in the General Election that she’s the real moderate! And oh by the way…you think the McCain camp is putting together Michael Moore and Moveon.org clips as part of a montage against what they will say is the “far left Obama”?

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