Brody File Readers on Obama/ Wright Controversy

The Brody File readers have a thing or two to say about the whole Barack Obama/Jeremiah Wright controversy. Read the responses below:
From Laura:
I agree wholeheartedly about "grace" and giving Obama some slack. But would I vote for him? Absolutley not. Anyone who would choose someone like Jermiah Wright as a mentor, pastor, and friend in the first place is totally lacking in judgment and has no clue about what is TRUTH and what is a lie. It's impossible for a man like Wright to temper his emotions and feelings and rants - as all of America has clearly seen - and it is impossible for Obama to play dumb and try to say he was UNAWARE of this man's feelings and opinions. Furthermore, I also believe that in order to sit in a church and listen to a man like Wright for 20 years, Obama would HAVE to share his opinions. No one can explain away that simple truth. Ok. So maybe Obama has finally had enough and I'll give him some slack for finally waking up to what's really going on with "Reverend" Wright, but it's way too late and I pray that he is not the Democratic candidate for President. If Barack Obama is elected President, America is truly doomed.
From Ryan:
Thanks for being fair. Another point that hardly anybody in the media mentions is the fact that Reverend Wright is the man who brought Barack Obama to Jesus.
Christians understand the special relationship we develop with our spiritual father. (or mother ) It only makes sense that he would have overlooked some things he didn't like about his pastor and cut him a lot of slack until he'd had enough. I think Sen. Obama waited for precisely the right time to do what he had to do and severe the relationship.
Actually, Rev. Wright did Barack a favor by forcing him to do what he did

From Kellie:

He can denounce Rev. Wright all day, but he still goes to the same church that has a pastor who was under Rev. Wright and who says the same hateful stuff.
Faith by Bible says comes by hearing so as long as he’s hearing the same old hateful stuff I can not believe that those are not his views.
From Robert: I hope that Barack Obama can put the Rev. Wright controversy behind him. It would be sad to see a promising politician like Obama swiftboated for something he didn't even do or say. Republicans will still try to use this as a wedge issue, but hopefully Obama put most of the criticism to rest with his actions. 
Will it still affect him? Maybe a little, but mostly among voters who wouldn't have voted for him anyway. I also want to thank you, David, for being very fair about this issue and the campaign in general.
From Joe:
I think that too much is being made of Pastor Wright’s comments. Does the first amendment only apply to some pastors and some churches? I may not like what he said in it’s totality but he has a constitutional right to speak his mind from the pulpit. If our government can allow former President Carter to speak to Israel’s and America’s enemies unrestricted, we should allow Pastor Wright to speak his mind in the church he pastors. I am in no way advocating Pastor Wright’s position on taken in his sermons (I think he may be a bit naïve about the dangers and causes of the militancy of Islam) but, if we don’t allow freedom in the public discourse and allow political candidates to speak for themselves and not tie them and their politics to their associations then how open minded and free can our society really be? That is the part of the greatness of America. We can allow people to speak their mind a public forum without hindrance. We ought to listen to what Pastor Wright has to say and perhaps hear his frustration and concern on what he sees that not what it should be. If he has said something that is contrary to the scriptures we could perhaps recognize that there is a big shadow under the cross for all of us to gather and the grace of God is not without a tremendous influence.
From Anonymous:
How very disappointing to see a minister filled with such bitterness.  It seems to be the underlying theme of every thing he says.  His sermon clips were a  dirty mark to every minister and every Christian.  The excuses he gives in his interviews are so filled with words of continued hatefulness.  I wonder what has happened to him to bring up this much vileness?  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will deal with him on his own failings.  It is so sad to see a man with a following lead others to like beliefs.  Where is the love?
From Anonymous:
I'm white (female and 58) and Rev Wright is right!  Why don't you link to the Bill Moyer interview as well?  If the media spent more time reporting the truth and less time fanning the flames for profit, this country could have thoughtful, responsible leaders instead of the Bush league entertainers we have running the country now.  Wright's comments are inflammatory in the clips and sound bites, but most people who take the time to view the full sermons or really listened to him during his interview on PBS feel totally betrayed by the main stream media and realize that the truth is almost the exact opposite of what we were fed.  This reminds me of how the msm handled the information that Bush and Co fed us to go to war with Iraq.  You all swallowed that hook line and sinker too!  You all must start checking the facts, independently, and then giving them to us.  Eventually American's figure it out and when they do they don't forget those who  led them to believe half truths and the false impressions created by the selective use of sound bites. Shame on all of you.  And you wonder why the newspaper business is failing? Wish it were otherwise.

From Alan:

With respect.. this issue is not about the black church. This issue relates to a hateful anti American pseudo Marxist ideology shared by many of Senator Obama's friends and associates. The words spoken by Wright could have as easily come from a white atheist. Indeed, explore the words of William Ayers, and you will discover an identical theme. The "Black Church and experience" defense of these words is nothing more than a smoke screen for a left wing ideological assault on America.


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