Brody File Arrives in Puerto Rico


Hey Brody File readers. I have made it to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Brody File assumes that this race between Clinton and Obama is going to make it here to Puerto Rico so we have come down here to tell that story. In essence, the story I'm working on is a "Puerto Rico Primary 101" piece that will air on the 700 Club in a couple weeks. Watch The Brody File for video from Puerto Rico this week.

So my photographer Jerome and I arrive down here and the first thing we notice is that there are pretty much no street signs. We get lost. Over and over again. We stop to ask for directions and guess what? We look up and lo and behold it's Hillary Clinton's San Juan headquarters! Are you kidding me? God is good.

Anyhow, we're heading to Old San Juan tonight where the Obama campaign down here is handing out flyers. In addition, both the Clinton and Obama campaigns are holding "watch parties" tonight as the results from Indiana and North Carolina come in. My understanding is that here in Puerto Rico these watch parties are pretty festive. Dancing, loud noise and festive. I guess we'll find out…

I'll be on CNN's American Morning show Wednesday to talk about the importance of the Puerto Rico primary. Of course, if Hillary Clinton goes down in a ball of flames tonight, Puerto Rico may be rendered obsolete. We'll see tonight.


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