Waiting for an Obama Implosion


Can we just give it to you straight here at The Brody File? Now that Hillary Clinton lost North Carolina by double digits and barely won Indiana, Clinton can continue to make her case to the super delegates all she wants. 

She has an overall narrative to sell but let's face it: time is running out and right now "time" is the one element that has at least the fleeting chance to save her. Why? Because she needs Barack Obama to make a mistake. She needs another "bitter" comment" episode. Forget an "October Surprise." She needs a "May surprise." She needs Jeremiah Wright to resurface at the National Press Club again. Something. Anything.

Is it going to be hard for Clinton to win the nomination? Yes but let's take a step back for a moment. Obama was supposed to win Indiana. He didn't. Would he have won Indiana without the Jeremiah Wright controversy? 

Also, the media is fickle. Hillary is considered the "loser" last night by all media accounts but next week what happens if she wins West Virginia by 20 points? Then Kentucky? The story shifts again so it looks to me that this race continues through June 3rd. Remember, Clinton could rack up HUGE popular vote totals in Puerto Rico where residents here show up in LARGE numbers. That could help her in the popular vote argument.

If you're Barack Obama, you just don't want to make a mistake at this point. It's like in basketball where you've got the lead and the ball with time running down and you just don't want to commit that glaring turnover.

Meanwhile, this race goes on. It reminds me of the following song. Click here.


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