Joe Biden: The Smart Choice


Time will tell if Barack Obama made the right choice in picking Joe Biden but if you look at it on paper, it makes a whole lot of sense.

Let’s get to the main point. Joe Biden will give Obama the national security cover he’s going to need this fall. Biden is experienced as anyone on foreign policy and he helps Obama immensely with people who are on the fence as it relates to Obama’s foreign policy resume. That resume is thin to say the least. Joe Biden fills in the gaps. Big time. Obama’s biggest weakness is in this area of foreign policy so it just makes sense politically to pick Biden. This move shows that Obama wants to win and realizes he needed some foreign policy firepower to get it done. Biden is that guy. And unlike McCain who may need to pick a VP who can help bring him cover on the economy, Obama needs the exact opposite.

Biden also brings something else Obama needs: working class roots. Look, the guy is your classic Irish Catholic regular guy who can help in key states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. Biden’s family history narrative is a perfect fit in the rustbelt. In short, he helps with the white working class vote. Biden’s upbringing was not glitz and glamour and expect the Obama campaign to show off Biden’s very large and loving family.

In addition, Biden is an attack dog and every Presidential candidate needs his VP to be effective at going after the other party’s presidential pick. Biden will go hard after John McCain on issue after issue. He’s not afraid to do it and on foreign policy, Biden will have the credibility to go toe to toe with McCain. It won’t be just the 46 year old one term Senator trying to take on the seasoned war veteran.

Are there downsides? You bet. Biden has what we call “foot in mouth” disease and let’s be honest here. He’s going to commit some gaffes before November. The over/under number is probably five. He’s probably good for at least five gaffes  before Election day. You know the Obama campaign realizes this distinct possibility. They have seen Biden’s track record but it’s something they are going to have to live with. Minor stumbles will be OK. A Major one will not. It’s a gamble but then again, who’s to say that an inexperienced Tim Kaine or even an Evan Bayh wouldn’t have said something stupid? Still, for a campaign who has emphasized “no drama”, Biden has the potential to deviate from the script.

Biden has also made some comments against Obama that the Republicans will have a field day with. Everything from his inexperience to war funding to even some personally insulting innuendo. (Which Biden later apologized for Obama accepted his apology) These will be land mines and the Obama campaign is fully aware of them. The land mine of the plagiarism charge in the 1980’s will be brought back up too but Biden has been vetted so much over thirty plus years that it may not be as big a deal. Still, how Biden and Obama handle his past statements from here on out will be important.

McCain spokesman Ben Porritt released this statement right after Biden was named:

“There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama’s lack of experience than Joe Biden.  Biden has denounced Barack Obama’s poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing – that Barack Obama is not ready to be President.”

Obama has always said that the first criteria for a VP is that he would need to be someone who could step in and be President from day one. Biden fits the bill. Obama also talked about how the old ways of Washington need to change. You could make the argument that the 36 year Senate veteran doesn’t represent the “new way of politics”. But Obama is smart enough to know that if he really wants to get anything done in Washington, he’s going to need a guy who has been through the wars in Congress and can figure out how to get it done. Biden fits the bill

I have interviewed Joe Biden before. He is engaging and very real. He’s a straight shooter. Sometimes he shoots a little too straight and can get into trouble. But overall, Obama seems to have passed his first big test. Tim Kaine would have made the ticket too inexperienced. Hillary Clinton could have made the ticket formidable but it would have been a potential White House powder keg. Evan Bayh wouldn’t have given the ticket any “oomph”. Biden brings the Democratic ticket credibility, experience and working class humble roots. Obama needs all three.


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