The Obama/Biden Tightrope Walk


The Republican National Committee and the McCain campaign are already sending out statements from Joe Biden's past in which he has been critical of Barack Obama on issues related to national security and experience. The Obama/Biden team is going to need to figure out how they fight against this.

It will be too simple to say that Biden has now seen the light.

There are so many past statements for that to really make any traction. The RNC and the McCain campaign must be in Youtube heaven. Expect them to roll out clip after clip. The danger for the Obama/Biden ticket is that Biden's past statements fit neatly into their narrative that Obama is not ready to be President.

On the flip side, the Obama campaign is banking on the fact that Biden will make a difference with the "fence sitting voters." His working class roots and foreign policy experience will help in this regard.

The real question is which headline will take hold? Will it be the "Biden calms fears about Obama" headline or one that reads "Biden agrees with Republicans about Obama's lack of experience?"

Stay tuned.


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