Obama's "Lipstick on a Pig" Comment


Barack Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment is getting plenty of attention this morning. Read more here.

The McCain campaign thinks it is directed at Sarah Palin and is sexist. The Obama campaign is basically saying, "Give me a break."

Brody File readers can make up their own mind but the analysis here is that Obama would have to be pretty stupid to purposely attack Palin like this. You don't think he has Hillary on the brain? One thing we know is that whatever you think of Obama he is NOT stupid. I don't think he meant anything by this lipstick line at all. You need to read the line in the context of what he was saying. However it does show the box that Obama and Biden are in.

They need to be VERY careful when talking about Palin. Is she fair game? Absolutely. But whether or not you want to admit it, the fact is that because she is a woman the McCain campaign and his supporters will always be able to play the "sexist card" on any little thing Obama, Biden or the campaign says. Therefore, if anything, Obama is guilty of being careless with his words. But to demand an apology like the McCain camp is asking? Ummm.that seems a bit of a stretch.

Folks, I have been saying this since the Palin pick but let me reiterate it again. This VP pick by McCain has "Team Obama" scrambling to figure her out and how to precisely attack. Think about it. What is Joe Biden going to do on October 2nd during his debate with Palin? He may win on points and substance but if he comes across in any way as condescending or like one of the "Good 'Ole Boys" then he has lost the debate.

Do you really think voters pay lots of attention to public policy? It's important and it shapes their views to some extent but it is the emotional attachment to a candidate that really gets people going and out to the polling precincts. That's the danger for Biden in that debate and it's the danger for Obama too. He can't come off as derogatory towards Palin. If he does, he risks alienating those Clinton supporters even more and he really needs them now in the most desperate way.

This is called being in a box. It's not a great place for a political candidate to be.


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