Jill Biden Has a Whoops Moment


We know Joe Biden has 'foot in mouth disease.' But it's not supposed to spread to family members right? Well, guess what? Jill Biden, his wife, had quite a moment today that is making headlines. Read below from The Associated Press:

Jill Biden said President-elect Barack Obama gave Biden the choice of being secretary of state or vice president.

Her comment came when the Bidens made a surprise appearance on Oprah Winfrey's show, recorded at the Kennedy Center.

The vice president-elect tried to hush his wife as soon as the words came out of her mouth, with a loud "shhh!"

Jill Biden said the job of vice president was better for the family, because as secretary of state he would travel too often.

Oh my! Not exactly what the incoming Obama administration really wants to deal with right now. I know the Obama campaign wants transparency but not this type!

Two thoughts run through my mind: First off, what's Hillary thinking right about now? I don't think she's thinking that she could have been VP. Rather, she's probably thinking she was "this close" to not being Secretary of State. My other thought is a story like this doesn't make Obama look very decisive. I mean think of the conversation:

Joe, how about Secretary of State? No. OK, how about Commerce secretary? OK, how about VP? Bingo!"

Now an update: This comes in to The Brody File from Spokesperson for the Vice President-elect Elizabeth Alexander:

Like anyone who followed the presidential campaign this summer, Dr. Jill Biden knew there was a chance that President-elect Obama might ask her husband to serve in some capacity and that, given his background, the positions of Vice President and Secretary of State were possibilities.

Dr. Biden's point to Oprah today was that being Vice President would be a better fit for their family because they would get to see him more and get to participate in serving more. To be clear, President-elect Obama offered Vice President-elect Biden one job only -- to be his running mate. And the Vice President-elect was thrilled to accept the offer.


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