Richard Land With Kind Words for Obama


The Brody File just spoke with Richard Land, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Since the Election, Land has been contacted by the Obama team. It seems like the lines of communication are open. Below is what Dr. Land told me:

“I hope that President-Elect Obama and his supporters know that there are tens of millions of people who did not vote for him because of serious policy differences who are still delighted and gratified that an African American has been elected president and that it says something noble and fine about our country that we have overcome our racist past to the extent that we will now have an African American president. Southern Baptists will pray for him and his family and that God will give him wisdom and guidance.”

Dr. Land wrote an open letter to President-Elect Obama and Land is under the impression that Obama did in fact read it.

Read the letter here. Part of it is below:

On issues which involve moral and ethical values, we will both pray for you and exhort you to apply biblical principles and values as you make policy decisions which will impact the families of America and the world. We will also pray that God will bless you with safety, health and all spiritual blessings.

On issues where we agree, such as standing against genocide in Darfur and protecting basic human rights around the world, we will support you.

On issues where we disagree with the approach your administration takes, we will do our best to persuade you to change your approach. When we are unsuccessful, we will stand by our convictions and will exercise our God-given responsibilities and Constitutionally-protected right to work for alternative solutions which are more in accord with our convictions.

Southern Baptists remain unalterably committed to the protection of unborn human life. The vast majority of Southern Baptists believe that a pre-born baby is a distinct human life, according to both science and the Bible (Ps. 51:5; Ps. 139-13-16; Jer. 1:5; Luke 1:41). The euphemism of “choice” or “reproductive freedom” cannot disguise or justify killing a baby. Government has a proper role in protecting lives, including the lives of the unborn. Southern Baptists, by national resolutions, have opposed abortion on demand, and have called for public policies which severely restrict abortion and which promote alternatives such as adoption.

Mr. President-elect, you have said you want to unite us as a nation. An excellent place to work for such unity and consensus on the life issue would be for you to put your full and vigorous support behind the Democrats for Life House Caucus initiative known as the Pregnant Women Support Act or the 95-10 Initiative (because its goal is to reduce abortion by 95% over a ten-year period).

Just like Obama is going to have to pick and choose his spots with conservative Evangelicals, Evangelicals are going to need to decide what issues they can partner with him on. The above mentioned abortion related bill is a possibility along with issues like human rights, sex trafficking, responsible fatherhood and others.


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