Mike Huckabee To The Brody File: President Obama Has No Love For Conservative Christians


In an interview with The Brody File, Mike Huckabee questions Barack Obama’s Christian credentials while he’s been President of the United States. He lists a bunch of questionable moves by President Obama including giving Muslim prisoners prayer rugs while Kim Davis can’t get any support from the Commander-In-Chief. His list is long. “I’m just looking at the realities and saying, ‘could you show us a little love here?’  If you really say you love us and you’re one of us, give us a little affection.”

Watch below.

Mandatory Courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File

If people think Huckabee is doing this for political show, he’s not. He, along with millions of Christians in this country truly believe every thing he just said. President Obama and his supporters still can’t believe that a decent sized chunk of conservatives think he’s a Muslim but when you twist the knife at every turn into the stomach of Christians, you feed the storyline. I mean after all, it might help Obama if he didn't use the line, "less-than loving Christians. Or it might help him if he never said Christian voters like to “cling to guns or religion.” Or it might help him if he didn't omit the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence. Or it might help if he actually protected the religious conscience for individuals under Obamacare. Or it might help him if he didn't take five years to visit Israel. Or it might help him if he actually supported the religious liberty rights of Christians and got along with Benjamin Natanyahu. Oy. I’m exhausted.

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