Only on the Brody File: Ted Cruz to Meet Privately With Iowa Pastors


The Brody File has learned that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz will meet privately with Iowa pastors exactly one week before the all-important Iowa Caucus.

The event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project, will take place Jan. 25. The Caucus is the following Monday Feb. 1.

Cruz will speak, take questions and receive prayer at two events that day. It’s a chance for pastors to share their views on certain issues and ask Cruz some direct questions ranging form public policy to his faith journey.

The first session is a luncheon in Cedar Rapids where roughly 75 pastors will be on hand. Later that evening, he’ll address the pastors at a dinner in Des Moines, Iowa where around 100 pastors are expected to attend. It’s closed press.

This experience is similar to something GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio did in Iowa back in November. Gov. Bobby Jindal also took part in an event like this.

As for some of the other candidates, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Mike Huckabee have also been extended an invitation to meet with pastors in key primary states.

For more on our exclusive reporting, watch The Brody File analysis below.

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