GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump tells The Brody File that Christians must, “ban together” and, “stick together” to protect Christianity. “It’s under siege,” Trump says. “You look at Syria where they’re chopping heads off, specifically of Christians, and others…we have to do something, we have to ban together, we have to become stronger as Christians because it’s very bad what’s happening with respect to Christianity. We’re not banded together properly. We have to stick together.”
The Brody File sat down with Trump at Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia on Monday afternoon. During his speech he spoke about this idea of protecting Christianity. I tried to get a better handle on what he meant exactly. While he mentioned the treatment of Christians in Syria and the absence of, “Merry Christmas” in department stores, it seems Trump is trying to say that he’ll be a president who will come to the support of Christians overseas and domestically by speaking out against political correctness from the bully pulpit of the Oval Office. Many evangelicals see President Obama as hostile to Christianity. Trump seems to be implying that he will be the exact opposite of that.
David Brody: “ (You say) we need to protect Christianity. How exactly? What do you mean by that? “
Donald Trump: “ It’s under siege. You look at Syria where they’re chopping heads off, specifically of Christians, and others. And Christianity is under siege David. As you understand well from covering it. And we have to do something, we have to ban together, we have to become stronger as Christians because it’s very bad what’s happening with respect to Christianity. We’re not banded together properly. We have to stick together whether it’s very, very serious things like what’s happening over in the Middle East or things such as ‘Merry Christmas.’ You don’t see it anymore in department stores. We have to get together and make sure it’s what we want.”