Exclusive Brody File Video: Ted Cruz Tells Iowa Pastors: Don’t Vote For A Candidate Who Has Never Defended Marriage Or Religious Liberty
In video obtained exclusively by The Brody File, Ted Cruz told pastors they should vote for a presidential candidate with a trusted record on abortion and religious liberty. Otherwise, he says, you’ll probably regret your choice. He seemed to be referring to Donald Trump. “If you have a candidate who has never defended marriage, who has never defended religious liberty, we should not be surprised if they get to the oval office and they do not defend marriage and they do not defend religious liberty. Don’t listen to our words, look to our actions.” Cruz made the comments at a private pastors event Monday in Cedar Rapids.
The American Renewal Project sponsored the private pastors event, which has been a driving force in presidential politics by mobilizing pastors to run for political office and having presidential candidates speak before hundreds of pastors. Cruz has spoken at a number of events. Marco Rubio did a similar event back in November.
For Cruz, it’s pretty simple. He wins Iowa if evangelical pastors get behind him AND make sure the bulk of their congregations are caucusing on Monday night. The Brody File will be in Iowa this week watching it all unfold.
The Brody File also conducted a one-on-one sit-down interview with Cruz in Des Moines Iowa Monday evening. Check The Brody File for clips.
Ted Cruz: “On the question of life, I have pledged that on the first day in office, I intend to instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and prosecute any and all criminal violations. On the question of religious liberty, I intend on the first day in office to instruct the Department of Justice and the IRS and every federal agency that the persecution of religious liberty ends today. If you have a candidate who has never defended marriage, who has never defended religious liberty, we should not be surprised if they get to the oval office and they do not defend marriage and they do not defend religious liberty. Don’t listen to our words, look to our actions.”