Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Temptation represents itself in two forms: from Satan and our own sinful flesh. We overcome temptation by choosing to follow the Word of God.

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Bible Teachings on Temptation

If you’re wondering whether you’re hooked on porn, take the quiz in this article. Be honest.

The apostle Paul, like Jesus, understood the incredible power of Satan. He understood even better that God was much stronger, and would ultimately...

Questions about Temptation

Prayer is communion with God. It is the closest, most intimate relationship with the Creator you can have.

Human sexuality can be one of the most beautiful aspects of God's plan for His children here on earth. But since Adam and Eve's fall from grace,...

Command it to leave you and resolve that, with God's help, you will never again smoke another cigarette, another joint of marijuana, or whatever it...

God told the Israelites if they kept His word He'd give them complete victory over their enemies.

A troubling addiction. A betraying thought. A compromising situation. Temptation comes in many forms, sparking a fierce "winner-takes-all" battle for...

Devotionals about Temptation

Don't expect carrying out God's will to be easy. Trials and temptations still enter the lives of those who believe Jesus Christ died for their sins...

Day 3: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: Satan Tests Authority

Day 4: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: The Last Temptation

Day 5: Reflections

Day 2: Jesus’ 40-Day Fast in the Wilderness: Satan Tempts the Physical Nature

All Devotionals on Temptation

Videos about Temptation

Abby’s eating disorder and addiction ravaged her life until a car crash gave her life pause to receive something better...

Rachel shares a message of hope and identity in Jesus Christ to those who experience same-sex attraction.

Alitheia and Josie discuss how there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ.

Landon Schott explains specifically what the Bible says about same sex attraction.

Like his father before him, Jason battled alcoholism. He lost his record deal, his home and the remnants of his dignity, but help arrived from an...

All Videos on Temptation

Articles on Temptation

Cold-Case Christianity author J. Warner Wallace reveals the danger of seeking an impressive reach and number of followers.


How to Avoid Temptation

How badly do you want to be free? Learn to recognize the voice of temptation.

playing video game

Addicted to the Internet

Use this checklist adapted from the American Psychiatric Association and see if there's a problem with your Internet habits.


Seeking Self-Control: A Lifelong Resolution

Relinquish your control and lack of self-control to the One who relinquished His life for you.

Yielding to short-term pleasures leads to long-term consequences.

All Articles on Temptation
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