Christian Living

Spiritual Life


In the good times, in the bad times, we look to our God with confident faith that he provides every situation for a reason. He delights in our unshakable trust in Him.

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Bible Teachings on Trust

The search for peace drives men and nations to great extremes.

Unlike humans and the world around us, God never changes. He is ever constant.

God knows all things entirely. He knows every facet, every detail of the present word and possesses an equal knowledge of things past and yet to...

Seek God daily and His will for your life unfolds before you.

Anxiety and worry do not prevent what we fear will take place from happening and are a waste of time. God has the remedy for worry.

All Bible Teachings on Trust

Questions about Trust

Faith is an attribute given by the Spirit of God that enables us to reach into God's invisible world and take possession of that which we cannot see...

As the writer of Proverbs put it, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him,...

Whatever fears or trials we face, we have the victorious response.

It seems impossible during this coronavirus pandemic to find complete peace.

It's easy to knock on a door once and move on. But it's another thing to keep knocking because we believe there's not another door that has our...

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Devotionals about Trust

Faith is the opposite of logic. In all the Bible stories where there was great faith, logic was disproved.

Can you see how faithful God is to all of us? At CBN Guatemala, we see God's faithfulness every day—when we serve those most in need, when we see the...

Living near the Atlantic coast, you put up with two things — bridges and tunnels. prefer bridges because you can see where you’re headed....

It can be easier to stay where we're at, to play it safe and stay comfortable in our circumstances rather than take a step into the unknown of our...

Reflect on the turbulent '60s and '70s, a time of culture wars, political upheaval, and war. Amidst the uncertainty, people searched for meaning,...

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Articles on Trust

Nickolas and Shilicia have always been on the same page financially. See how God helped pay off their mortgage and saved them from financial disaster...

When we see clearly, We shine brighter lights! - Kathy Carlton Willis

I Can See Clearly: A Devotional Study on Light

God’s light, activated in our lives, not only changes us, but others.

God illuminates darkness so we can see, and then equips us to be shining lights to help others out of their darkness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

Light and Dark: A Devotional Study on Light

Darkness helps us see our need for light—to see our need for Jesus.

Four steps to share your Christian faith in a conversation.

I’m content to be a nightlight. To those in need, it’s as powerful as a lighthouse or a searchlight. -Kathy Carlton Willis

Light Shine Bright: A Devotional Study on Light

The light produces what is good and right and true.

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