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Articles on Christian life

When in the dark, look for the Light. -Kathy Carlton Willis

Light of the World: A Devotional Study on Light

Just as light dispels darkness, God’s presence brings peace and joy despite difficulties.

Actions of truth start with attitudes of truth -Kathy Carlton Willis

Truth Be Told: A Devotional Study on Truth

God is pleased when we pursue and speak truth.

When I pour out to others in the way God wants me to, it also replenishes my own reserve. -Kathy Carlton Willis

Discipleship Wisdom: A Devotional Study on Truth

Paul taught Timothy foundational truths that are still vital for us today.

Legendary Texas high school football coach Rusty Russell, and a collection of scrawny, undersized football players is the subject of a new movie...

Truth has consequences, but it also has comfort. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

So Help Me God: A Devotional Study on Truth

Truth teaches us to love in full.

Our job is to honor God while sharing our faith, not win arguments.

Addiction demands to be our master. Jesus offers to be our master. One takes, the other gives.

The Hidden Blessing of Your Addictive Past

Former addicts have a distinct benefit to help them develop a dynamic relationship with God.

meme - the best way for us to have peace of mind & liberty in life is to anchor our beliefs on the only truth that matters, God

Unearthing Deception: A Devotional Study on Truth

Learn how to find truth and live truth, based on God’s Word.

Reason wants a logical explanation that will make sense out of something that has happened. Purpose offers us a hope that whatever has happened God...

We don't have to have it all together to serve God. We just need this...


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