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Articles on Depression

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Articles on Depression

Self-help and coping resources on dealing with depression, video testimonies of real people who suffered from major depression and with God's help...

It seemed that I had everything to live for, but my mind was consumed with thoughts of death. I was 26 years of age.


Joylessness Is Not a Sin or Failure

We all go through times of joylessness, times of abject failure, seasons of grief, feeling overwhelmed for prolonged periods of time. Some of us are...

When you as a Christian realize that you or someone you love is in need of counseling there are several issues that need to be addressed.

Georgia Shaffer: Some of our tightly held but unrealized or unrealistic longings set us up for disappointment, anger, and despair. And these emotions...

Georgia Shaffer: Some of our tightly held but unrealized or unrealistic longings set us up for disappointment, anger, and despair. And these emotions...

Today, Sheila uses the humor from her own experiences to encourage others and give insight on what it means to keep walking through difficult times....

Where is God when a loved one chooses to end his or her life? Read this young man's account of finding God's love in the wake of suicide.

The epidemic of depression in the church is spreading throughout the Christian community. Is Prozac the answer?

Author Candy Arrington points out several misconceptions about suicide and provides the truth for each of them.


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