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Articles on God

American Idol past favorite Jason Castro talks his new album and how his walk with the Lord shapes his music and his purpose.

American Idol finalist Phil Stacey is now a part of the CCM artist roster with the release of his album, "Into the Light".

Jeremy Camp chats about his latest live album and how we can be involved in building God's Kingdom on Earth.

Dr. Charles Colson explains how Harry Potter is proof of the existence of God.

Hawk Nelson's leading man Jason Dunn shares about the new album and his completely platonic love for one of Christian music's biggest names.

Superchick is breaking their two-year studio silence by releasing a new record, "Rock What You Got". They recently sat down with CBNmusic.com to...

While "Lost" is not a Christian show, it addresses many deep spiritual issues that people face today. So many, that authors John Ankerberg and Dillon...

CBN.com Pop-punk band Hawk Nelson can definitely rock. But, the band doesn’t give off an “I’m a rock star” vibe. They’re just regular guys who like...

Designed to test America's spiritual savvy, The American Bible Challenge features contestants from varying backgrounds answering Bible questions to...

CBN.com - You can’t seem to turn on Christian radio these days without hearing the soulful, playful, pop of 24 year old Francesca Battistielli. ...


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