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Articles on Purpose

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Articles on Purpose

His grace is the most powerful tool for change in our lives; we’re saved by grace, but we’re also transformed by grace. I accepted that God saved me...

We become what we focus on. Whatever we give ourselves to shapes our attitudes and determines our character. The music we listen to and the books we...

Since the mid-1960s, the Military Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ has helped commanders and chaplains develop spiritual readiness in service...

Far too many pastors spend all of their time and money just trying to hold the church together.

Sharing his faith in the secular world is a risk worth taking for John Tesh.

Recently, Rick Warren sat down with Ministry ToolBox editor Jon Walker to discuss basic Purpose Driven philosophies and how they will influence...

Jesus’ mission required power that could only come from God. No super-prophet could have done the job; no well-educated scribe had the necessary...

I believe that God suffers more than we can imagine because we – as human beings generally and as individuals to varying degrees – have disconnected...

Seeker sensitive doesnt mean you compromise the message. It means you take into consideration peoples culture in order to communicate that message.

To do the very same works Jesus did—what other purpose in life can match the awesome privilege believers have been given? The opportunity to engage...


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