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Articles on children

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Articles on children

I thought the lessons in our church's Vacation Bible School curriculum were only for the children. I found out that I had a lot to learn.

The issue of birth control is a controversial one for many Christians. One of the newest books to tackle the topic, The Contraception Guidebook:...

It's time once again to plan and prepare for a fun family vacation. With some creativity you can turn almost any vacation into a springboard for...

Senior Producer John Schafer discusses CBN's work in bringing Superbook to life again in a 3D, updated version of the animated classic that swept the...

Not sure what to do with your kids this summer? Try out one of these lesser-known family movies.

Even though it might seem like a bad time for such a goal, there are still surprising reasons for couples to make this the year to get started.

When it comes to darker flicks such as Harry Potter or books that blur the lines of reality and fantasy or good and bad, how do help kids find...

Author Pam Farrel addresses 10 questions kids ask about sex, what parents should say and when they should say it.

Our experiences build our character, so let's make sure our kids are getting good ones.

Little do they know but the Pevensie children are actually on a journey of faith in Prince Caspian.


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