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Articles on evil

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Articles on evil

God illuminates darkness so we can see, and then equips us to be shining lights to help others out of their darkness. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

Light and Dark: A Devotional Study on Light

Darkness helps us see our need for light—to see our need for Jesus.

When God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, He knew it would lead to the barrage of information we have at our...

Be a good SEED Share a good DEED. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

The Seed Makes the Plant

Get out the yucky seeds and shine like a Jack-o-lantern.

A time to plant - Every Season has a reason! ~Kathy Carlton Willis

The Time Is Right

If this is the season to plant in life, what are we planting?


The Devil’s 12 Step Program

Learn the devil's sneaky 12-step approach to keep you from ever having victory over your addiction.

When you seek stability, trust the gardener to plant you well. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

How Deep Are Your Roots?

The godly are planted to thrive and bear fruit.

Would you want to spend all eternity in a heaven where evil and sin were allowed?

How do we get back those things the enemy steals from us? How do we restore and maintain our joy?

Injustices should move us and our faith can prevent us from repaying evil for evil.

Does God wait for me to stop struggling before he rescues me?

Help Is on the Way!

One way God helps us is to rescue us from our troubles.


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