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Articles on love

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Articles on love

Christians are called to share the truth about Jesus even in the midst of a hostile culture. But how?

Truth has consequences, but it also has comfort. ~Kathy Carlton Willis

So Help Me God: A Devotional Study on Truth

Truth teaches us to love in full.

Even during the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing, we can demonstrate love for our neighbors.

Ten safe and creative ways to show love and narrow the pandemic gap for the lonely.

In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul calls marriage a profound mystery. What does he mean by that?

Love and peace go together like peanut butter and chocolate - kathy carlton willis

The Marriage of Love and Peace Is the Best Valentine

When love and peace are combined, God’s work is multiplied exponentially.

Our security comes from God’s unconditional love despite our unloveliness and sinfulness.

To get your “spiritual groove” established in the New Year, Pastor Daniel Fusco offers three simple steps prescribed in the Greatest Commandment.

Mai, a single mom in Thailand with a 1-year-old child was grateful for her job in a garment factory. But the pandemic took it away. Soon, it came...

To belong, to be cherished, it’s what we need most—even the smartest, even the most successful among us need it.


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