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Articles on purpose

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Articles on purpose

Mary Magdalene, a Woman Who Ministered

Woodrow Wilson on the Christian Men’s AssociationThis is the text of a speech Woodrow Wilson gave on October 24, 1914 at Pittsburg. The title of the...

This proposed institution will integrate Biblical faith into the education of its students, which will have a profound impact on the generations of...

We (Christians) have, volitionally, banished ourselves to the “inspiration” section at the back of Barnes & Noble. And by doing so, we may have...

In most cases, speaking in tongues is identified with someone who is baptized in the Holy Spirit.

With all the anticipation and excitement that surrounds the individuals leaving home and heading back to campus, there’s also a certain amount of...

There is something much more important than being noticed by people: being noticed by God. Yes, you may argue that God notices every one of His...

Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. Yet, too often we neglect this vital bridge of communication with heaven. In many cases, we...

When you feel like you are being tested in your Christian walk because you are experiencing trials, take heart.

Many eventually flee the Pastorate and some, even the faith; burned out, often physically broken.


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