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Articles on relationships

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Articles on relationships


Golden Rule "Othering"

When we give an account for our own lives, bowed before God, we are in a place of humility. When we judge others, we forget we are not God, and we...


Othering: The Gift of One-Anothering

One test of a true Christ-follower is whether or not they think menial jobs are beneath them.


Love "Othering"

We are to love others as Jesus loved us—sacrificially. How will you do that?


Encourage One Another

It’s so easy to get down on how selfish we’ve become as a society, that we lose sight of the ones who are others-focused.


The Delightful Love Letter

Just as we feel special when we get love letters from our special someones while we’re apart, we can find delight in God’s notes to us.

Couple growing apart

Have You Checked Out of Your Marriage?

There comes a time in some people's lives when they've had all they can take emotionally. So, they check out. Don't let it happen to you!

Mature couple

Marriage Trouble Can Make Your Relationship Stronger

Sadly, many couples handle stress poorly, causing distance to grow between them, and failing to use the experiences to better their relationship.

Friends talking it out

10 Ways to Rebuild Trust with a Friend

If you’ve been hurt by broken trust, here are 10 suggestions on how to rebuild it.

Did you know that great friendships can make a huge difference in your life? Find out how!

Lee Strobel wants you to consider these before beginning a dating relationship.


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