Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Character

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Devotionals on Character

Satan, after rebelling against God and being thrown out of heaven, chose the serpent as his disguise. 

Green wood is a risky choice for framing studs of a house and a sturdy example for a biblical carpentry message.

Does it ever feel like the minor mishaps of life can depress you as much as major ones?

As I encounter various trials of aging, I am increasingly aware that this mortal shell will not make it out of this story alive! 

All we need to do is look at some of the disciples Jesus chose and we quickly see that God does not always or even usually call those who seem to be...

When the Holy Spirit fills our heart by faith—He flushes out sin and leaves room only for the fruit of the Spirit. Only a heart guarded by God can...

Sometimes there are those moments in life when everything just shifts. You’re driving along, and all of a sudden brake lights - and then your front...

Are you clinging to something that might be preventing you from following Jesus with your whole heart? If so, what is holding you back?


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