Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Creation

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Devotionals on Creation

Every time I ventured out to feed my little herd of kitties, I’d get ambushed by a mob of bellowing hungry balls of fur. 

Jesus tells us that marriage will not exist in heaven. While it may be difficult to imagine a world without marriage, it is reassuring to know that...

The splendor of God’s creation could be seen in each slight variation, as the distinct red shades of crimson, scarlet, and burgundy radiated in the...

Embracing who God has made us to be unlocks a new level of freedom. I experienced this freedom in 2016 during my freshman year of college. While my...

Are you so busy and driven that relaxation feels like wasted time? Jesus has given you permission—a welcoming invitation—to rest! After all, it’s...

As this author recounts the Red Sea's miraculous parting and how God's omnipotence over nature was revealed, you'll be reminded of how the winds and...

Are you choosing to listen to His voice during the noise of a busy year? Are you still celebrating creation despite everything going on around us?...

You can't keep burning the candle at both ends. We were made for a rhythm of rest, which brings new perspective, new commitment to a calling, and...

When we love others with the same agape love exhibited by God on the Cross, we demonstrate the true measure of our love. The real test of love is...

Appreciate the majestic splendor of God's creation, where every sunrise speaks of His promises and His unwavering love. This author provides you with...


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