Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Death

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Devotionals on Death

Three days before the earthquake, this man was reading the book of Job in the Bible and thinking about Job’s situation.

We may have expectations of what people should do and even what we should be, but when you encounter Jesus, and He radically changes you, you go from...

Dealing with death is not easy. Whether sudden and unexpected or the culmination of a long illness, we all struggle with letting go of our loved ones...

Don't let anything keep you from wholeheartedly pursuing God's promises for you.

There is a difference between natural hope and spiritual hope.

"A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly." - Matshona Dhliwayo

Sister Mary, an unusual Arab woman, lived her whole life in anticipation of this one special day.

There's no doubt that the Word instructs us to keep on praising the Lord — no matter what our circumstances are like.

Mom prayed for my angry Dad's salvation for 25 years, believing all the while her prayers would be answered.

Nothing happens without the Lord either causing it or giving permission for it to happen.


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