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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Depression

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Devotionals on Depression

Be still. That’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

God is outside of time and sees everything from an eternal perspective. 

We can all learn from the Apostle Paul as he himself struggled with the problem of the almighty "I".

Sometimes we encounter unexpected dark tunnels in life.

What happened to my joy? The question haunted me when depression moved in, but God didn’t leave me there. Here’s what I learned in the darkness.

What will you do in the face of tragedy and adversity? It seems one can either have faith in God or carry a burden of worry and fear – but not both.

King David found that in God's presence was the fullness of joy. Joy was not found in himself but in God.

Happiness ends in time. Joy lasts as long as God's love.

We might have plans and dreams, but really, today are we where we thought we would be five, 10, or 15 years ago? So who is to say where we will be in...

In those moments in time when I don’t have a clue what to do next, God does! When my head is hanging and my heart is broken, God knows what the next...


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