Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Grace

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Devotionals on Grace

God created rest because He loves us. The world has set a different standard for what rest means, and how we should operate day to day. Our...

What do you believe is the true cost of following Christ? Salvation is a free gift. Why would being a Christian mean it would be any different? Join...

Imagine Moses as he stands on sacred Mount Sinai, grappling with the Israelites' waywardness and pleading with God to spare them. His profound prayer...

This inspiring devotion intertwines a nostalgic trip down memory lane to the NBA's golden era with the profound message of God's grace. It's the...

On October 31, we celebrate Martin Luther and the Holy Spirit using him to bring His church back to a doctrine of grace. As you read this devotional...

God can use your brokenness for His glory! Do you ever feel like your past mistakes have disqualified you from being used by God? The voices that...

In a world where many people may have misconceptions about Christianity, this devotion invites readers to reconsider the true message of Jesus. It...

Sometimes we view "coming to the Father" as a one-time decision. Even after our "yes" to Jesus in salvation, we have a daily choice of whether to...

This writer shares her experience growing up in the Philippines and facing false accusations. This is a common hurt for many of us. Join us as we...

Envision an environment vibrant with foot-stomping and hand-clapping soul-filled worship, where the older women of the church fervently pray at the...


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