Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Hope

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Devotionals on Hope

Can you see how faithful God is to all of us? At CBN Guatemala, we see God's faithfulness every day—when we serve those most in need, when we see the...

When tragedy hits and you feel all is lost, you can probably relate to Naomi, a main character in the Old Testament book, Ruth. She wanted to be left...

Who do we surround ourselves with, and why? Do we give our trust to critical people who focus on who we have been, rather than who we are becoming?...

When circumstances seem impossible, trust the God of all possibilities to perform miracles. God has no limitations. Want to know how to help your...

Often, it’s easy to think of the stories of the Bible as mystical or far-off, not something that could happen in our lives. But that couldn’t be...

Day 29: Strength For Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Day 32: Sharing Your Hope

Day 33: Reflections: Anchoring Our Hearts in the Hope of Christ (Week 5)

Day 34: Freedom From Sin

Day 40: Reflections and Palm Sunday


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